If you think buying a home or office safe will make you feel more…well, safe…you’re right – unless you mess it up. Like any other hefty purchase, safes come in a wide range of makes, designs and models that serve varied functions. They are manufactured by companies ranging from the most reputable in the industry to fly-by-night firms that don’t stand by their products. Obviously, they can differ widely in quality. And they are sometimes sold by retailers who don’t always know much about them, their uses, or their proper installation, and maybe don’t care, as long as they get the sale.
No wonder people make mistakes when buying their safe from a Toronto safe supplier. And the mistakes don’t end there. Here are some common errors people make around their safes and how to avoid them.
- Getting taken in by slick marketing. While this can apply to any product, it’s especially heinous when clever marketing tricks people about a home security product. Don’t believe that your safe is more secure than it really is; find out how hard or how easy that safe really is to break into, by testing it for yourself at our conveniently located showroom.
- Getting taken in by bells and whistles. Safe organizers to keep your valuables neatly squared away inside the safe? Cute little lights that turn on automatically when the safe is opened? Shiny inscribed surfaces? Nice to have, but not important in the grand scheme of things. Don’t blow your safe budget on add-ons, no matter how fancy they seem; go with heavy-gauge steel and the features you actually need, such as fire-resistance and/or flood-resistance and a high security rating, depending on where you plan to install your safe and what it’s meant to keep safe.
- Leaving the safe on the floor…or the table…or the shelf. Seriously? If you managed to get your safe home somehow, don’t you think professional burglars can figure out how to get it out of your house if it isn’t bolted down? The easiest way for a thief to access the goodies inside your safe isn’t for them to attempt to break into it in your home or office while you’re away or sleeping, no matter what the movies say; it’s to cart your safe away and then break into it at their leisure, from a remote location. Always anchor your safe to the wall and/or bolt it down. This will reduce the physical leverage a thief can exert to pry the safe open, and it will more than likely prevent them from attempting to make off with it.
- Breaking your own safe. Wha? Well, when you’re in a hurry and want to get into the safe, haven’t you ever tried to open the door before the safe is fully unlocked? Forcing a safe open, or forcing it closed when it’s not fully locked, is a good way to damage your safe, making it that much easier for burglars to later get inside.
- Cheaping out on a safe. Safes can be made of drywall, thin sheets of metal, or even plastic. Do you trust any of those substances to store your guns, jewels, priceless documents or art work? We don’t. Look for materials like poured concrete that can offer real protection against theft and fires. If concrete is a bit much (it’s very heavy) consider heavy-gauge steel – the lower the number on the gauge, the better.
You’ve had so many questions about safes and we’ve got answers! Stay tuned for more info about the dos and don’ts of buying a safe from your Toronto safe supplier, Pro Locksmiths.